Journal for the Study of Adult Education and Learning


Andragoške studije su časopis za proučavanje obrazovanja i učenja odraslih, Andragogical Studies is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal, devoted to theoretical, historical, comparative and empirical studies in adult and continuing education, lifelong and lifewide learning. The journal reflects ideas from diverse theoretical and applied fields, addressing the broad range of issues relevant not only for Serbia, but also for the whole of Europe, as well as for the wider international audience. The journal publishes research employing a variety of topics, methods and approaches, including all levels of education, various research areas – starting with literacy, via university education, to vocational education, and learning in formal, non-formal and informal settings.
Current Issue
Ekran Alıntısı
2024 | No. 1


Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Postal address: Čika-Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Email:; Phone: 00381-11-3282-985


ISSN: 0354-5415 (Print issues)
: 2466-4537 (Online issues)
: 37.013.83+374


MIOMIR DESPOTOVIĆ, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
KATARINA POPOVIĆ, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy

Associate Editors

Maja Maksimović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Aleksandar Bulajić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy

Assistant Editors

Nikola Koruga, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Kristina Milanović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy

Journal Secretary

Brankica Vlašković, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy


Zoran Imširagić

Technical Editor

Irena Đaković


Dosije studio, Belgrade

Šefika Alibabić-Hodžić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Marcie Boucouvalas,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
George A. Koulaouzides, Hellenic Open University, Greece
Sabina Jelenc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Snežana Medić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Sandra L. Morrison, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Balázs Németh, University of Pécs, Hungary
Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Kristinka Ovesni, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Aleksandra Pejatović, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Borut Mikulec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Cristina Maria Coimbra Vieira, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Tamara Nikolić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
Niamh O’Reilly, AONTAS (National Adult Learning Organisation), Ireland


Irena Popović

Proofreading for English language

Tamara Jovanović, Duška Tomanović


Sluzbeni glasnik, Belgrade


dr Antonia Batzoglou
The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
University of London

dr Dragan Bulatović
Odeljenje za istoriju umetnosti
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Sanja Đerasimović
University of Exeter, United Kingdom

dr Hajdana Glomazić
Institute of Criminological & Sociological Research, Serbia

dr Barry Golding
Federation University Australia

dr Maurice de Greef
Vrije Universiteit in Brussels, Belgium

dr John Henscke
Lindenwood University, United States of America

dr Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland

Dr George Koulaouzides
Hellenic Open University, Greece

dr Milica Marušić,
Institute for Educational Research, Serbia

dr Miloš Milenković
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Miljana Milojević
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Alison Laurie Neilson
University of Coimbra, Portugal

dr Edmée Ollagnier
ret. University of Geneva, Switzerland

dr Milka Oljača
University of Novi Sad, Serbia

dr Goran Opačić
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Ognjen Radonjić
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Marko Radovan
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

dr Jost Reischmann
Bamberg University, Germany

dr Maja Savić
University of Belgrade, Serbia

dr Luiza Olim de Sousa
North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa

Ser Alan Tuckett
University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

dr Zoran Velkovski
University of Skopje, North Macedonia


Andragogical Studies was launched in 1994, and since 2002 the journal is published twice annually. Resposible for the editing policy is the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy), Čika-Ljubina 18–20, 11000 Belgrade, in cooperation with Adult Education Society, Garsije Lorke 9, 11060 Belgrade. The journal publishing is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.
Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd. Andragoške studije su časopis otvorenog pristupa koji je odlukom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije kategorizovan kao časopis međunarodnog značaja (M23). Andragoške studije su u okviru liste European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) ustanovljene kao časopis međunarodnog autorstva.
National Library of Serbia (Belgrade); Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition

Serbian Citation Index

European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)

Library of the German Institute for Adult Education DIE, Bonn.


Paper Submission

The journal publishes texts which haven't been published previously. Editorial Board receives only MS Word type electronic submissions sent to e-mail: to the Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Čika-Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd.

Notes on style

All papers submitted should be between 30.000 and 60.000 characters (with spaces and references), in Latin letter. Abstract should also be submitted of no more than 1000 characters (with spaces), the title of the manuscript, as well as 3-5 keywords. Submissions should include: full name, institutional affiliation and position of the author; basic data on author (up to 250 characters with spaces) and the contact information, as well as the date of birth (will not be published, serve just for the catalogue). If there is more than one author, the information should be provided for each author. Articles should be structured using up to two levels of headings. Numbering should not be used in headings. Italic formatting is allowed for emphasizing. Bolding, underlining and other such formatting are not allowed. Figures, pictures and tables should be named and numbered by Arabic numerals, and supplied in a form suitable for reproduction.


Serbian, English, German, Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrian languages are acceptable languages. Papers will be published in Serbian (as well as Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrinian) and in English. For papers published in English additional abstract in Serbian will be provided by Editorial Board, while for papers published in Serbian additional abstract in English will be provided.

Quotations and References

References to literature should be placed in the text, within parentheses. It is acceptable to use footnotes, however, it is recommended to use them only if necessary e.g. for comments and additional text. All quotations should be referenced using APA Citation Style (American Psychological Association). See: Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). (2010). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. See also: In the case of texts in the Serbian language, the names of foreign authors in the text are given in the transcription during the first reference to the author or source, with the surname in the original in parentheses (in subsequent references to the same author, it is sufficient to state only the transcription) or surname in the original throughout the text. At the end of the paper, there is a list of used literature. It is desirable to limit the number of papers cited in the literature to 25. Papers are cited in alphabetical order. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of quotations and references.


AS editorial staff initially reviews all manuscript submissions for compliance with AS editorial policy. If the manuscript fails to fall within the scope and stylistic guidelines of the journal, it is returned to the authors. If a manuscript is in accord with the scope of the journal and meets submission guidelines, all references to the author name and institution are removed from the manuscript, and it is submitted for blind reviews by two external reviewers at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Each consulting editor is a professional scholar judged, affiliated with an academic institution and competent to appraise such manuscripts. In compliance with advice of consulting reviewers, the editors make one of three decisions: accept; conditional accept; or reject. In the case of conditional acceptance, the editors will specify necessary revisions in writing to the author. When revisions are completed and the editors accept a manuscript, the editors will then notify and inform the author(s) about the next steps in the publication process. Papers which receive positive reviews are published, and authors are informed beforehand.

The editors determine the order of articles. Reviewed articles are categorized as follows: original scientific articles, review articles, professional articles. The journal publishes also translation of relevant documents (or, exceptionally, translation of papers published elsewhere), chronicles, scientific reviews, polemics and interviews, bibliographies, information about current projects, events and publications in the national, European and global adult education and learning field.

Review Criteria

Importance of the Problem: A problem or subject addressed by a manuscript should contribute to knowledge or theory pertinent to adult education and learning. Importance is enhanced when a paper promotes understanding or improvement of practice.

Background: Through the abstract and a brief introduction, readers should be provided with sufficient background information/literature to understand the problem being addressed.

Problem/Purpose: The purpose of the paper should be clearly and unambiguously stated. This typically requires a clearly described research problem.

Literature Review: Research and scholarship should be linked to relevant empirical and theoretical literature. The applicability of the research and the quality of the discussion are more important than the length of the literature review.

Methodology: The approach and procedures must be appropriate for addressing the stated research problem(s) and purpose(s).

Findings: Findings must be presented and documented to show clear relationships to the purpose(s) and research question(s). Evidence needed to support conclusions must be clearly identified and amply arrayed, including (but not limited to) the presentation of statistics, charts, and graphs; use of quotations; observational data; references; and citations.

Conclusions: Conclusions and logical inferences should be pertinent, clearly drawn, and convincingly supported by evidence.

Readability: All manuscripts must be well-organized, well-written, and readable.


© 2002 Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy. All rights reserved. With the exception of fair dealing for the purposes of teaching, research or private study, criticism, reviews and citations, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing from the copyright holder. There is no copyright fee for translation or reprinting, but the Editorial Board should be informed.


Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet,
Čika-Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd
+381 11 3282 985
od 10-14 (ponedeljak, sreda, petak)
Annual subscription rates: 80€ (VAT included).
For the payment details please contact Institute for Pedagogy and Andragogy.